How to Change the WordPress Media Upload Directory


Hello friends,

I am going to show you How to Change the WordPress Media Upload Directory.

From what you see on the video the current folder for uploads is wp-content. Please note that if you have lots of pictures added to this folder you will need to copy files also to the new folder so it doesn’t give you errors.

Also some files link on the site could get broken up.

To do this you need to connect with FTP. Find the a video on the desciption if you need help on this part.

On FTP find wp-config.php and click on the menu to edit it.

On the file find wp-settings.php. After that line of code put the following like of code.


Save the file. And the uplaod directory is changed.

Lets check now on the site.

You see now the media files are not available anymore… as they were added on the older folder. Let’s upload a file to see the path.

How you can see we have a new path for the files and we changed the wordpress media directory.

Thank you for watching and please thumbs up, share and subscribe. Bye Bye.


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