Android how to make your phone’s camera LED flash when receiving calls, messages, or notifications


Hello friends,

I am going to show you how to make your Android phone’s camera LED flash when receiving calls, messages, or notifications.

Go to Settings
Here tap on accessibility and go to Hearing. You can select Camera light and screen light for notifications.

Also you can install a app for this to have more options. One of the best apps i found for this is flash alerts. The only problem with this app is that it has way to many adds.
Lets install it and see the option it has

It has the option for speed, lenght and blink times for sms. Also you can setup the flash alers on every mode your phone is.
It is a good app but how i said too much ads. You can donate and remove this.

Thank you for watching and please thumbs up, share and subscribe. Bye Bye.


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